Virtual Production Services
LED Stage Rental
$800 Half Day, $1,500 Full Day, Discounts for Multi-Day Shoots
Interior to exterior, natural to fantastical. We offer limitless pre-made or custom locations for your production, all in one convenient, air-conditioned building. The Studio offers an 8 x 13 foot bank of LED screens, with access to dressing rooms, a state of the art camera, sound and lighting equipment, rigging for all of it, and a library of props. Book our LED Stage today.
Virtual Set Design
Starting at $800
Have some place specific in mind? Our expert virtual production department can create any setting your production requires. From the realistic and every day to the breathtaking and magical, our team can bring your vision to life.
Half of estimated cost due at time of booking.
This payment forfeited if shoot is cancelled less than 48 hours before scheduled start time.
Visual Effects
VFX Services
Starting at $100/hr.
Our VFX Department can work with you to add stunning and believable visual effects to your project.
VFX Supervision
Custom Pricing
Our visual effects supervisor can work with your production at additional locations to ensure your plates are VFX ready, saving time and money during post production.
Set Fabrication
Custom Pricing
Not all of your scenery is in the background. Enhance the sense of seamless immersion for your audience and talent with physical set extensions. Our expert Fabrication Department will work with you and our Virtual Set department to create seamless real world extensions to your virtual settings.
Prop Fabrication/Acquisition
Custom Pricing
Our Fabrication Department can create or locate any prop your production might need.
Booking and Inquiries
For booking or inquiries drop us a line and we’ll talk shop.